In Expeditions, each child is given a separate form, with places to mark their progress through all of the books at their level. In other words, each will have a form that has a place to mark off that child's progress through the Boot Camp booklet, the Expeditions Book, the Review, and any Beyond Books that they complete. The forms on this page can be downloaded and printed out for either the division notebooks or the combined notebook.
Division Notebooks - Churches with more than 25 children in the program are given a separate record keeping notebook for each of the four age divisions. Forms can be printed out below to put in each of those four notebooks.
Combined Notebook - Churches with 25 children or less in the program are given one notebook that holds all the records for their club. Though combining all the forms into one notebook is possible with larger churches it can be very overwhelming and busy for the one marking progress in the book. Forms can be printed out below to put into the combined notebook.
Division Notebook Records Forms:
Hikers (3-5 Year Olds) - Notebook Cover - (Click to download a copy)
Hikers (3-5 Year Olds) - Table of Contents - (Click to download a copy)
Hikers (3-5 Year Olds) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
New Visitor Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Trackers (1st-2nd Graders) - Notebook Cover (Click to download a copy)
Trackers (1st-2nd Graders) - Table of Contents - (Click to download a copy)
Trackers (1st-2nd Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
New Visitor Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Pathfinders (3rd-4th Graders) - Notebook Cover (Click to download a copy)
Pathfinders (3rd-4th Graders) - Table of Contents - (Click to download a copy)
Pathfinders (3rd-4th Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
New Visitor Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Trailblazers (5th-6th Graders) - Notebook Cover (Click to download a copy)
Trailblazers (5th-6th Graders) - Table of Contents - (Click to download a copy)
Trailblazers (5th-6th Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
New Visitor Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Combined Notebook Records Forms:
Combined (All Ages) - Notebook Cover (Click to download a copy)
Combined (All Ages) - Table of Contents - (Click to download a copy)
Hikers (3-5 Year Olds) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Trackers (1st-2nd Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Pathfinders (3rd-4th Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
Trailblazers (5th-6th Graders) - Individual Record Form (Click to download a copy)
New Visitor Record Form (Click to download a copy)