Histown is our newest curriculum creation. Histown aims at teaching the doctrines of the faith at a level that younger children can understand. Histown is a quiet little country town where eight children's every day lives are filled with big lessons and big adventures. The curriculum focuses on lessons about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, Creation, God's Sovereignty, Sanctification, Sin, Trials, Heaven, Angels, Demons, Satan, the World, and many other topics. Kids can earn points for themselves and their team by completing weekely devotions, learning and reciting baptist chatechisms, memorizing and reciting scripture and much more. Histown has both a Sunday School hour and Children's Church hour aspect to it helping to unite the two programs at your church. Through both Bible stories and the adventures that happen to the kids in Histown, your kids will have a much better understanding of the core doctrines of the faith and have a firm foundation on which to build their lives and their faith upon.
Theme Verse: 1 Peter 2:5