Bingo Box Night – Bingo Box Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the child gets to choose one bingo square on the card. There is only one square that is the right one, and everyone in the class keeps saying verses in the hopes that one of the squares that they chose is the right one. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and a leader picks out a letter card and a number card (such as C and 3). The child from each classroom whose name is written in that square (C3) gets a prize. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Caller ID Night – Caller ID Night is designed to get the kids to complete a bunch of checkpoints and verses from their books. The idea is based off of radio or TV competitions in which "the 100th caller will get a prize." The overall idea on how it works is that each time a child gets a page signed off in their book, their leader will text the child’s initials and grade number to the commander. The commander will be getting texts from a number of classrooms during book time and will award a prize to the 10th, 17th, 26th, 34th, etc. text that he receives. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Crack the Code Night - Crack the Code Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the child gets to choose a combination to a lock on a treasure chest. There is only one right combination, and everyone in the class keeps saying verses in the hopes that one of the combinations that they get is the one that opens the lock. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and the true combination is revealed. Those who have that combination get to take a prize out of the chest. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Greedy Gold Miners Night - Greedy Gold Miners Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the children earn one chance to reach into a paper bag and grab a Skittle out without looking. Those who find a valuable golden nugget (i.e. a yellow skittle) earn a special prize. The more pages you complete, the better chance you have of striking it rich. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Greedy Gold Miners Night/Radiant Royalty Night - This partiular night combines two of our fun nights together into one night(Radiant Royalty Night & Greedy Gold Miners Night). The children are encouraged to wear a King's Crown that they make or bring along with them. The children will also be competing to find the King's Jewels. For each page that gets signed off, the children earn one chance to reach into a paper bag and grab a Skittle out without looking. Those who find a valuable red ruby (i.e. a red skittle) earn a special prize. The more pages you complete, the better chance of winning a king's ransom. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Last Chance Night – Last Chance Night is a special last chance night for the kids to complete as many pages in their books as they can. This night should be done on the last night the children are allowed to complete pages out of their books. On this special night tell the kids there will be a special prize for the child who completes the most pages out of their book. Remind them of “World Records” set in previous years (For instance see if anyone can beat the record of 16 checkpoints that was set at your church the year before, or which class can say a combined 45 checkpoints to beat the record from the year before). On this special night you can also offer that the kids can stay back and miss game time in order to get more pages completed. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
On the Spot Night – On the Spot Night is designed to get the kids to complete a bunch of checkpoints and verses from their books. How it works is that one of your leaders (preferably your commander) will use a washable marker and cover themselves in spots before Expeditions. Each checkpoint that the child completes out of their books will earn them a chance to take one guess as to how many spots they think the leader has on them. The ones who guess correctly or closest will get a prize at the end of the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Peculiar Pet Night – This night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. Each classroom will be given two game cards with a total of 60 animals or creatures on them at the beginning of book time. Each time a child completes a checkpoint in their book, they get to pick one peculiar pet on the game card and have their leader write their initials in the box below it. The more that a child completes the better chance they have of picking out the peculiar pet of the night! Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Punch Out Night – Punch Out Night is designed to get the kids to complete a bunch of checkpoints and verses from their books. How it works is that each child is given a punch card at the beginning of book time. The punch card has the numbers 1-40 along the edges of it. Each checkpoint that the child completes lets them choose one number for their leader to punch out with a hole puncher. At the end of book time, the leader will pull out a secret envelope and read off the winning numbers. The children get a prize for every number they punched out correctly. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Ship Shape Night - This night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. We’ve got a few more things to send to our missionaries, but which box is the one that is being sent to them? Each classroom will be given two game cards with a total of 70 shipping boxes on them at the beginning of book time. Each time a child completes a checkpoint in their book, they get to pick one box on the game card and have their leader write their initials on the side of that box. The more that a child completes the better chance they have of picking out the right box! Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Spotted Fever Outbreak Night - Spotted Fever Outbreak Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. An outbreak of spotted fever has overtaken your church. In order to get rid of these spots, the children in your class have to complete pages out of their books. Each page they complete earns them a spotted fever pill (a skittle) and allows them to get rid of one spot. Have a competition to see which class can get rid of the most spots. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Square One Night - Square One Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the child gets to choose one square on the card. There is only one square that is the right one, and everyone in the class keeps saying verses in the hopes that one of the squares that they chose is the right one. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and a leader picks out two number cards (such as 4 and 3) or rolls two dice. The child from each classroom whose name is written in that square (row 4, column 3) gets a prize. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Ticket Master Night – Ticket Master Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the children get to write their name on a ticket and turn it in to the commander. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and tickets are pulled from a box. Those whose name is read off of their ticket get a prize. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
That's the Ticket Night - That's the Ticket Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the children earn one raffle ticket. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and the tickets are chosen. Those whose ticket number matches the winning number get a prize. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Treasure Chest Quest Night - Treasure Chest Quest Night is designed to get the children to say extra verses and complete extra pages in their books. For each page that gets signed off, the child gets to choose one key. There is only one key that opens the lock, and everyone in the class keeps saying verses in the hopes that one of the keys that they chose is the one that opens the lock. At the end of the night, all the children meet in a central room and the true key is revealed. Those who chose the right key get to take a prize out of the chest. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
More Coming Soon...
Adding More Fun and Variety to Your Night
Click to download a much more detailed set of instructions on how each night works and flyers to send home with the kids.