A Merry Little Christmas Night - A Merry Little Christmas Night is a fun Christmas trivia game night designed to test everyone’s Christmas knowledge on Christmas Bible questions, Christmas tradition questions, Christmas food questions, Christmas movie questions, and Christmas songs and carols questions. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Board Game Bout Night - The description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Clash of the Capes Night – It’s a bird… it’s a plane! Clash of the Capes Night is a night that is filled with super heroes. The children will dress like super hero (with capes, masks, utility belts, gloves, etc.), act like super heroes, and play a number of super hero themed games all throughout the night.Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Game Show Extravaganza Night (1st edition) - Game Show Extravaganza Night is a night filled with trivia questions and fun challenges. Each event is based off of a popular television game show, but also includes a special spin on the game shows that allows for all of your children to participate. Have everyone put their thinking caps on, and get their final answer ready, because this is one night when useless trivia knowledge might actually be worth something. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Game Show Extravaganza Night (2nd edition) – The same great night as the original Game Show Extravaganza Night, but with all new questions and game ideas to keep things exciting. Once again, have everyone put their thinking caps on, and get their final answer ready, because this is one night when useless trivia knowledge might actually be worth something. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Game Show Extravaganza Night (3rd edition) – The same great night as the original Game Show Extravaganza Night, but with all new questions and game ideas to keep things exciting. Once again, have everyone put their thinking caps on, and get their final answer ready, because this is one night when useless trivia knowledge might actually be worth something. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Game Show Extravaganza Night (4th edition) – The same great night as the original Game Show Extravaganza Night, but with all new questions and game ideas to keep things exciting. Once again, have everyone put their thinking caps on, and get their final answer ready, because this is one night when useless trivia knowledge might actually be worth something. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Game Show Extravaganza Night (5th edition) – he description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Mystery Night – The basic idea behind this night is that it is a mystery what will be occurring. Plan to do one of the fun nights on this page, but do not tell the kids what it is and make sure it is something they will enjoy. Of course you want to plan a night where they do not have to bring any items in with them. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Perceptive Detective Night - Something was taken out of the missionary’s suitcase?! Will your team of super sleuths be able to figure out what was stolen, who took it, and where it is hiding right now? Perceptive Detective Night will send your kids and leaders around your church as detectives to unravel clues. One clue leads to another. The goal is to solve all the clues and be back in the game room first. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Picture This Night - How well do you really know you church building? This fun night is designed to send you kids and leaders on an exciting photo scavenger hunt around the church in search of various items. The goal is to find various objects and items around the church property and take a picture of your group standing next to them. Leaders will use their own cell phones to take pictures of the kids. You can find the items in any order you choose. See who can find the most before the time is up! Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Reindeer Games Night (1st edition) - Reindeer Games Night is a night filled with Christmas trivia questions and fun challenges. Each event is based off of a popular television game show, but also includes a special spin on the game shows that allows for all of your children to participate. Have everyone put their thinking caps on, and get their final answer ready, because this is one night we Ho-Ho-Hope to see you there! Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Scurvy Scalawags Night – Aaargh! Scurvy Scalawags night is a night that is filled with all things piratey. The children will dress like pirates (with patches, hooks, etc.), talk like pirates, and play a number of pirate themed games all throughout the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Silent Night - Silent Night is a Christmas Fun Night with a play off of the Christmas Carol "Silent Night." Each child is given a triangular piece of paper at the beginning of the night. The point is for them to not talk at all or make a sound with their mouth throughout the night (including game time). If they talk their leader tears one corner off of their "triangle." If they continue to talk, they continue to lose corners. At the end of the night the children get pieces of candy based on the number of corners that they still have left on their triangles. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Speed Dial Night - The description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Toilet Paper Tussle Night - The description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Where’s Waldo Night - The description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Your Number Is Up Night - Your Number is Up Night is a fun night filled with a whole bunch of different ways to play the game of BINGO. You will compete all throughout the night in a boys versus girls competition to see which team can get the most wins on their BINGO cards. There are five different types of BINGO games in this night: Pick Me BINGO (opening time), By the Book BINGO (book time), It’s a Match BINGO (game time), Find the Row BINGO (game time), Better Pick Right BINGO (game time) and Right Place BINGO (game time). We’ll find out which team picks all the right numbers. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
More Coming Soon...
Adding More Fun and Variety to Your Night
Click to download a much more detailed set of instructions on how each night works and flyers to send home with the kids.