Marvelous Mask Night – On Marvelous Mask Night, the children are encouraged to wear a mask that covers all or part of their face to Expeditions. Encourage the children to create a mask out of paper, cardboard, cloth, wood, stickers, etc. It is important to remind the children that no gory, bloody, or scary masks will be allowed to be worn. Give out a prize for the most marvelous mask worn. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Messed Up Night – The description, instructions, and flyer for this fun night will be coming soon...
Messy Dress Guess Night - On Messy Dress Guess night, the children are allowed to choose only one of three possible fun nights (Backwards night, Inside Out night, and Mismatch Madness Night) and wear the item that it describes. In opening time, you’ll put all three of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who made the right messy dress guess for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Mismatch Madness Night - On Mismatch Madness Night, the children are encouraged to wear clothes that do not match. Everyone will earn extra points for wearing styles that do not go together (like a formal button up shirt and sweat pants or shorts over your pants), patterns that do not go together (like polka dots, stripes, and flower prints), colors that do not go together, or for wearing two types and colors of socks or two different types and colors of shoes. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Mitten Mania Night - On Mitten Mania Night, the children are encouraged to wear boxing gloves, batting gloves, mittens, rubber gloves, latex gloves, hockey gloves, winter gloves or any other gloves that they can think of. Both hands must have a glove on them to count. It is best to do this night during early fall, or later spring at a time when the children won’t already be wearing gloves to church. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
One-Half Night – One-Half Night is done halfway through the year to celebrate the children making it to the halfway point! On this night, the children can earn points for dressing half of their body one way and the other half the other way. Some examples of how to dress could include: wearing a sandal on their right foot and a tennis shoe on their left foot, rolling up the pant leg on their right leg and leaving the left pant leg down, painting the right half of their face blue and the left half red, combing one half of their hair and not the other, etc. Give a prize to the child with the most creative one-half outfit! Special prizes can also be given to those who are halfway through their books. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Radiant Royalty Night – On Radiant Royalty Night, the children are encouraged to make a crown and wear it to Expeditions. Encourage the children to create their crown out of paper, cardboard, cloth, wood, stickers, etc. Take a vote from your leaders at who has on the most radiant crown and give that child a prize. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Radiant Royalty Night/Greedy Gold Miners Night - This particular night combines two of our fun nights together into one night (Radiant Royalty Night & Greedy Gold Miners Night). The children are encouraged to wear a King's Crown that they make or bring along with them. The children will also be competing to find the King's Jewels. For each page that gets signed off, the children earn one chance to reach into a paper bag and grab a Skittle out without looking. Those who find a valuable red ruby (i.e. a red skittle) earn a special prize. The more pages you complete, the better chance of winning a king's ransom. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Shoe Switcheroo Night - On Shoe Switcheroo Night the children are encouraged to wear two different shoes. Try to encourage the children to bring the other regular shoe for game time. Extra points can be given for any extra silly, or crazy shoes. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Silly Sock Night - On Silly Sock Night, the children are encouraged to wear any color sock except plain white. Socks can be red, blue, pink, orange, striped, or Polka-dotted. Extra points can be given for any extra silly socks like those with individual toes in them or multiple pairs of different socks. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Splendid Scarf Night - On Splendid Scarf Night, the children are encouraged to bring a scarf with them to Expeditions. Scarves can be made out of wool, balloons, foam noodles, strings, tin foil, cardboard, socks, etc. As long as the child has a scarf on, they will earn points for their team! A special prize can be given for the most creative scarf. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Strange Shoe Night – On Strange Shoe night, the children are encouraged to create their own shoes or wear shoes they would not normally wear. Three points will be given to anyone who designs their own shoes (out of boxes, bottles, paper plates, plastic cups, cardboard, etc.). Two points will be given to anyone who wears unusual shoes (like flippers, bedtime slippers, high heels, flip flops, water shoes, etc. One point will be given to anyone who is wearing two different shoes. There will also be a special award given out for the strangest shoes! Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Wacky Tie Night - On Wacky Tie Night the children are encouraged to wear any kind of neck tie that they can think of. Extra points will be given for wacky ties and a prize is normally given for the wackiest tie. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Wear Wars Night (Glasses & Socks) - On Wear Wars Night, the children are allowed to choose one of two possible fun nights (Goofy Glasses Night or Silly Socks Night) and wear the item that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed correctly and dressed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put both of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who guessed correctly for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Wear Wars Night (Gloves & Ties) - On Wear Wars Night, the children are allowed to choose one of two possible fun nights (Mitten Mania Night or Wacky Tie Night) and wear the item that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed correctly and dressed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put both of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who guessed correctly for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Wear Wars Night (Hats & Shoes) - On Wear Wars Night, the children are allowed to choose one of two possible fun nights (Crazy Hat Night or Shoe Switcheroo Night) and wear the item that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed correctly and dressed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put both of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who guessed correctly for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Wear Wars Night (Inside-Out & Backwards) - On Wear Wars Night, the children are allowed to choose one of two possible fun nights (Inside Out Night or Backwards Night) and wear the item that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed correctly and dressed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put both of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who guessed correctly for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Which Weather Night - On Which Weather Night, the children are allowed to choose to dress for one of two kinds of weather (Summer or Winter) and wear the items that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed correctly and dressed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put both of these fun nights into a hat and then draw one of these types of weather out. Points will be given for those who guessed correctly for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
Winter Dress Guess Night - On Winter Dress Guess night, the children are allowed to choose only one of three possible fun nights (Mitten Mania Night, Splendid Scarf Night, or Crazy Hat) and wear the item that it describes. The following week you will see if they guessed right for it. In opening time, you’ll put all three of these fun nights into a hat and then draw a fun night out. Points will be given for those who made the right winter dress guess for the night. Download: [Instructions] [PDF Flyer] [Word Flyer]
More Coming Soon...
Adding More Fun and Variety to Your Night
Click to download a much more detailed set of instructions on how each night works and flyers to send home with the kids.