The following forms can be downloaded free of charge and used in your Commander's Notebook or Record keeping notebooks:
Commander's Nuts and Bolts Guide - The nuts and bolts guide is a complete summary on what the Expeditions program is all about and contains many suggestions and ideas in how to run the program successfully
Download Commander's Nuts and Bolts Guide
Class Competition Sheets - The class competition is a competition all throughout the year to see which grade or which group does the best job at bringing their Bibles, books, uniforms, and new visitors. It also accounts for participation in fun nights throughout the year. At the end of the year, you can give out a special medal for the class or group who did the best throughout the year.
Download Class Competition - Option 1 - By Age
Download Class Competition - Option 2 - By Division
Schedules for the Year - A captain who doesn't have a plan can get his troops into trouble on an Expedition. The best way to have a successful Expedition is to plan out what will be taking place as much as possible. The following are three types of schedules: a nightly schedule for the commander, a monthly schedule for the commander and leaders, and a year calendar for overall planning for the year. Each file is in Microsoft Word format allow you to access and alter it's content as needed.
Missionary Information Sheet - Throughout the year the children will learn about a great missionary from the past and will also learn about a current missionary that your church supports in the filed right now. Use this sheet to gather some of the information about the missionary that your church has chosen to learn about and support for the year.
Download Missionary Information Sheet
Leader Contact List - The contact list can be passed out in your opening leader's meeting for the year. It helps you to obtain some good contact information for your leaders. Some commanders send out a weekly update via email to their leaders or call them with upcoming events as a reminder for them.
Leader Expectation Sheet - Though each church has different expectations for their leaders, it is good to lay out those expectations at the beginning of the year, both as a reminder and as a the rules that you expect to be followed. This File is available in Microsoft Word so that you can make any alterations or changes to make it specific to your church.
Download Leader Expectation Sheet
New Visitor Sheet - One of goals of Expeditions is to teach the children to reach out to those around them. Not everyone is called to be a missionary to a foreign place, but every Christian is supposed to reach out to those around them with the message of the gospel.
Trail Rations - Some churches use trail rations as another rewards system for their children in the Expedition's program. Each child is awarded trail rations for completing a certain number of pages in their books, bringing visitors, winning various competitions (including game time events), or any other good behavior. The trail rations can then be spent like dollars at a prize station at the end of the Expedition's night or at certain points in the year to purchase certain prizes or candy. Below are sheets of "1 ration" and "5 rations" denominations that can be printed and/or photocopied and given out for this purpose.
Download Trail Rations Sheet - 1 Ration
Download Trail Rations Sheet - 5 Rations